Podcast: Fuel Pricing | Santa Energy

Podcast: Fuel Pricing

Written on: October 21, 2022

What determines the cost of home heating oil?

podcast fuel pricingThe cost of home heating oil has been a hot topic for some time now and with the cold weather arriving any day now, it’s hard to avoid thinking about it. So the Santa team got together and realized that we owed it to you to share some of the information about oil and oil pricing that doesn’t come up in everyday conversation to answer your burning questions.

Earlier this summer we sat down with our Director of Supply and Risk Management to talk about what drives the prices of oil and discussed:

This conversation became an entry point for our new podcast series, “Energy for Modern Living”. We hope that in sharing information like this we can take some of the guesswork out of the world of home heating and cooling and provide a little peace of mind for you.

Subscribe to “Energy for Modern Living”

Our “Energy for Modern Living” podcast series is for the new homeowner, the longtime homeowner, or anyone interested in topics related to home heating, HVAC, and energy that we currently publish only on Spotify and will soon be available through Apple Podcasts. In upcoming episodes we will discuss matters that pertain to things that matter to you, as keeping you informed is part of Santa Energy’s commitment to you.

If you would like to stay up-to-date with Santa, please click here to subscribe to the podcast.

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Remember, here at Santa Energy, our customers are our number one priority. If you have any questions regarding upcoming deliveries, service, becoming a new customer, or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.